Piazza Improvement Works

South Bank Corporation is undertaking important refurbishment and maintenance works at the South Bank Piazza from early April 2024 until late July 2024.

These works are being undertaken to refurbish some areas of the Piazza ­so that it can continue to host a variety of events such as concerts, community festivals, presentations, exhibitions, sporting events, cinema screenings and live streaming.

Works will include a full refurbishment of the Piazza’s public restrooms on the ground floor, refurbishments to the back-of-house chorus rooms, dressing rooms and amenities, as well as roof maintenance works and installation of WiFi throughout the venue.

These works are part of a series of refurbishments planned for South Bank this year and reflect our ongoing commitment to enhancing the precinct’s appeal and accessibility.

All works are being managed by South Bank Corporation. For further information, please email feedback@south-bank.net.au


Why are these works happening? These works are being undertaken to refurbish some areas of the Piazza so that it can continue to host a variety of events such as concerts, community festivals, presentations, exhibitions, sporting events, cinema screenings and live streaming.

What improvement works are being undertaken? The maintenance and refurbishment works will include refurbishment of the Piazza’s public restrooms, refurbishments to the back-of-house chorus rooms, dressing rooms and amenities, roof repair works, and installation of WiFi throughout the entire venue.

Will I be able to use the Piazza restrooms throughout the works? The works include the refurbishment of the public restrooms on the north and south side of the Piazza’s Ground Floor. The works will be staged so the public still has access to limited restrooms while the refurbishment works are underway.

Will there be any alternative restroom facilities available during the refurbishment? The adjoining Riverside Terrace amenities will remain open to the public throughout the duration of the works, with additional temporary amenities provided adjacent to the Piazza while the north and south wings are closed concurrently.

When will the works be undertaken? Works commenced in early April 2024. Project completion is expected in late July 2024, weather and site conditions permitting.

What are the standard construction hours? Project works are scheduled to take place Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm. Noisy works will be kept to a minimum between 12pm and 2pm, and no weekend or night works will be undertaken.

Can I expect any impacts from the works? The Piazza’s public restrooms will have a staged closure for refurbishment and there will be some noise. However, noisy works will be kept to a minimum during the lunchtime period of 12-2pm.

How will noise be managed during construction? The works will be managed according to the Brisbane City Council Building Works Noise guidelines and requirements to minimise disturbance to nearby residents and tenants as much as practically possible.

How will dust be managed during construction? There will be minimal dust from the project, and all work methodologies will adopt best practices with a sustainable approach to all environmental impacts.

Who can I contact regarding the works? To ask a question, provide feedback or stay up to date on the improvement works, please contact the project team via:

Phone: 07 3867 2111 (business hours)
Email: feedback@south-bank.net.au