Rain Bank Water Treatment Plan renewal works

South Bank Corporation is installing a new water treatment plant and irrigation pumping system at Rain Bank from 20 May 2024 until December 2024, ahead of a 3-month commissioning phase.
The works will include demolition and removal of the existing water treatment plant before installing a new water treatment plant, stormwater harvesting interception pit and an irrigation pumping system.
Information and directional signage will be in place to minimise impacts to stakeholders and the public.
All works are being managed by South Bank Corporation. For any questions, please email feedback@south-bank.net.au
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why are these works happening?
In late February 2022, the plant and equipment in Rain Bank was fully submerged in flood water, resulting in a complete shutdown of the system. The installation of a new water treatment plant will enable us to resume collecting and treating stormwater, which we will use to irrigate our Parklands.
What works are being undertaken?
The works will involve demolishing and removing all existing equipment before supplying, installing and commissioning a new water treatment plant, stormwater harvesting interception pit and irrigation system.
How much stormwater is collected Rain Bank?
Rain Bank has a 2 megalitre, below-ground reinforced concrete storage tank divided into 1.75 megalitre section that stores stormwater and a 0.25 megalitre capacity section that stores treated water.
How big is the stormwater catchment area?
Rain Bank collects and treats stormwater from a 30-hectare catchment across West End and South Bank, meeting 85 percent of our Parkland’s irrigation demand.
When will the works be undertaken?
Works commenced in late May 2024, and will be completed by December 2024. There is a significant commissioning period following the completion of works.
What are the standard construction hours?
The works will take place between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Noisy works will be kept to a minimum between 12pm and 2pm, with weekend or night works undertaken only when deemed essential.
Can I expect any impacts from the works?
There will be minimal impacts to South Bank visitors. Our visitors can expect to see construction fencing installed around the Liana Lounge to enable a safe works environment.
How will noise be managed during construction?
The works will be managed according to the Brisbane City Council Building Works Noise guidelines and requirements to minimise disturbance to nearby residents and tenants as much as practically possible.
How will dust be managed during construction?
There will be minimal dust from the project, and all work methodologies will adopt best practices with a sustainable approach to all environmental impacts.
Who can I contact regarding the works?
To ask a question, provide feedback or stay up to date on the improvement works, please contact the project team via:
Phone: 07 3867 2111 (business hours)