Click on the target icon for further information on the key places and projects through the South Bank precinct.
Formerly known as the Arbour View Cafes, South Bank Corporation unveiled Fowstate in January 2018...
The open spaces and public areas within the Parklands are managed under lease by the Brisbane...
Little Stanley Street is a beacon for food lovers and offers an incredible mix of cuisines from...
Grey Street is Brisbane's cultural boulevard where commerce combines with creativity to create a...
Owned by South Bank Corporation and managed by AEG Ogden (Convex) Pty Ltd, BCEC is consistently...
The Griffith Film School prepares the next generation of filmmakers, animators and game designers...
The Queensland College of Art is a thriving community of creatives shaping the nation's art and...
The Queensland Conservatorium is considered the most comprehensive tertiary music school in...
Nestled at the southern entry to the South Bank precinct is the Queensland Maritime Museum which...
An iconic landmark etched upon the South Bank skyline, The Wheel of Brisbane is a breathtaking...
Southpoint is located at the southern end of South Bank, featuring three towers comprising well...
Leading Queensland developer Stockwell oversaw the design, construction, leasing and project...
Global advertising agency, Y&R Group relocated its headquarters to the former Abigroup House...
The Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre underwent a significant makeover in 2011 and was...
The Brisbane headquarters for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) is located on the...
A joint venture between Austcorp and Property Solutions, SW1 comprises retail, residential and...
River Quay (formerly known as the Boardwalk Redevelopment) is the Parkland's vibrant waterfront...
The Rydges building (located on the corner of Glenelg and Grey Streets) underwent refurbishment...
Picnic Island Green underwent a major upgrade in April 2011 as part of the River Bend project ...